

XXII World Congress of Medical & Clinical Hypnosis

Cooperation in hypnosis. Challenges & Benefits. 8-11.06.2022. Krakow, Poland.

We are both happy and proud to invite you to the XXII World Congress of Medical & Clinical Hypnosis Cooperation in hypnosis. Challenges & Benefits that will take place in Krakow, Poland on 8-11th of June, 2022. Krakow is one of the most recognizable cities in that part of Europe visited by about 13 milion visitors annually attracted by beautiful landscapes of the city, attractve streets, squares and the largest historical complex, unique on global scale.

The congress will take place on 8-11th of June, 2022. The pre-congress workshops are planned for 7th of June, 2022.

The topic of the meeting is Cooperation in hypnosis. Challenges & Benefits. The idea of it is to promote different aspects of cooperation, between the clinician and the patient, between unconscious and conscious, between person and the system etc. Our special goal is to focus on cooperation between more experianced and young generation and between different cultures and different countries.

More information on the website of the congress.



Ernest Lawrence Rossi (1933-2020) Tribute...

We invite you to take part in an online tribute meeting  to Ernest Rossi (1933-2020). The meeting is open to everyone who had an opportunity to study with Dr Rossi and to those who want to listen to personal reflections about this unusual therapist.


WHAT: Ernest Lawrence Rossi (1933-2020) Tribute... an online meeting
WHEN: 20.11.2020 at 8 PM Warsaw Time.

SPONSOR: The Polish Milton Erickson Institute
CO-SPONSOR: The International Society of Hypnosis
REGISTRATION: Due to the limited number of participants, please register here https://forms.gle/zG4g45kxLbpSnQhX7

Ernest Lawrence Rossi (1933-2020)
American Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Teacher, Researcher, Author. Over his lifetime, he received a multitude of recognitions including a Lifetime Achievement awards from The Milton Erickson Foundation (1986), American Association for Psychotherapy (2003) Lifetime American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (2008) and an Achievement in Science for the RNA/DNA Psychosocial Genomic Theory of Cognition and Consciousness from the Austrian Society of Medical Hypnosis (2019).
He has served on eight different professional editorial boards, he has authored or edited 46 books, and published over 400 research articles, all in professional journals. More than 250 Teaching & Training Workshops sponsored by professional psychotherapy organizations all over the world.

Please send any questions by e-mail to fundacja@p-i-e.pl.


UtiliSeasation - XXIX. Seminar- und Supervisionswoche Kloster WIGRY in Polen vom 24-31.08.2019. "Vom Navigieren beim Driften - Bewegungen in jeder Lebenslage: Trauma, Augenbewegungen, Körperbewegungen, Tanzbewegungen, Impro, Zaubern, Feldenkrais, TaiChi"

2019 wird das 29. Wigry stattfinden. Dieses Mal wieder im August, sodass man die Familie ebenfalls mitbringen kann nach Wigry.

Es wird wie immer einzelne 4-stündige Workshops vormittags geben (inkl. 30min. Pause) sowie Dauer-Workshops (durchgängig) wie Bühnenpräsenz lernen oder Körperselbsterfahrung oder Kunstworkshop.
Wie immer: Parallel zu den 4-Stunden Workshops am Vormittag wird auch Supervision angeboten.

Sicher ist, das 2019 wie schon 2018 wieder Laurence Sugarman, Wolfgang Wendlandt sowie Claudia Reinicke mit an Bord sind.
Dazu hat uns Eva Pollani zugesagt. Sie wird zu ihrem Spezialgebiet EMI Eye Movement Integration unterrichten. Zu den weiteren Referenten zählen Dana Juraschek, Wieslaw Karolak, Kris Klajs, Matthias Ohler, Cornelie Schweizer und Bernhard Trenkle.

Im Anschluss die Kajaktour vom 31.08 – 7.09.2019
